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From Casa Urraca Press(2022)..
How to Cry on your Bicycle
From Casa Urraca Press:
“In her thirty-some years, Jennaye Derge has seen many of life’s highs and lows from the back of a bicycle. An avid outdoorsperson, Derge chronicles the crashes and burns, the flat tires and broken chains of life in her new humorous essay collection, How to Cry on Your Bicycle and Other Life Lessons (Casa Urraca Press).
…Derge, a serious cyclist with a history of exclusively bike commuting (and arriving late in sweaty clothing with messed up hair), takes on the establishment at the same time she expresses her joie de bicycle.
… Her voice gives female recreants, especially, the hope and encouragement to face the most intimidating blacks and blues and to crest the scariest trail you’ll ever face.
Mostly How to Cry on Your Bicycle will have you laughing till you cry and heading for the closest place to run out your feelings.”
“Bike commuters will really get her stories: the convenience of parking anywhere, the satisfaction of never having to buy gas, the fresh air, the sun, and fun. All readers will enjoy Derge’s candid, witty banter and hot takes on life in the wild—and on the trail.”
The book is available from your favorite online or brick-and-mortar book retailer or from Casa Urraca Press. For more information, visit
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